Reflexes- Psychological Debate

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Reflex is an involuntary or automatic action that occurs as a response to a stimulus.
For Ex- If we touch something hot then receptors in the skin cause detects a stimulus which at the end causes us to take our hand off that object immediately.

An infant sucking a nipple is also an example of a reflex. Now I will take you to a little different part to understand this-

There are broadly two types of learning Associative learning and Observational Learning.

Associative learning includes Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning.

Classical Conditioning includes-
1) Unconditional Stimulus- Unconditional Response
2)Neutral Response
3) Conditional Stimulus- Conditional Response
(Classical conditioning includes Reflexes)

A well-known example of Classical Conditioning is Ivan Pavlov's dog study(conducted in the 1890s) broadly in which Ivan Pablo observed that whenever he kept meat in front of the dog they produced Saliva. In this, Unconditional Stimulus is Meat and unconditional response is Saliva. Then he rang the bell for a few days in front of the dog but the response was neutral. After that, he fed the dog with meat for a few days whenever he rang the bell. The result of this was that Saliva was produced in the dog's mouth whenever the bell rang. In this Conditional Stimulus became bell and conditional response became the saliva. In this he made the dog learn that ringing bells mean meat which causes a reflex in the dog, causing him/her(I don't exactly know the gender) to produce saliva. You could see this video for a better understanding-

Operant Conditioning- In operant conditioning, organisms learn to associate a behavior and its consequence. A pleasant consequence makes that behavior more likely to be repeated in the future. For example- A kid is more likely to complete his/her homework daily if he/she knows that they will get a reward let's say a bar of chocolate at the completion. As well, an unpleasant consequence makes a behavior less likely to be repeated. for ex- if a teacher punishes a child who is disturbing the class then he/she is less likely to repeat that.
You could also watch this video to understand this-

Now, infant sucking a nipple is also a reflex. The baby using his mouth for sucking to get milk is classical conditioning. Where the nipple is an unconditional stimulus and the baby's sucking reaction is an unconditional response.

Now, When that infant becomes mature enough (let's say 5 months) to be able to think about rewards and all. Will this classical conditioning convert into Operant condition because now the baby knows that he or she will get milk from the mother by doing that and to get that reward (milk) a baby repeats the process.

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